High-Density Library Storage Facility This project involved finding and implementing a solution to the Universitys need for library collection storage space. One look at the new library on the campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach Florida and you feel what state-of-the-art was meant to be. Eclipse Shelving Electrical Powered Mobile Shelving System Pp Mobile Shelving Shelving High Density Storage Hi-Density Space Saving allows the repurposing of todays libraries by replacing static library shelving with innovative high density shelving solutions and mobile storage systems. High density library shelving . Police department facility design with high-quality evidence lockers gear lockers and records storage. The industry benchmark in library storage Montel offers compact and high-density filing and shelving solutions that address all of libraries key needs and generate significant cost savings by optimizing space. Library Shelving is fully customizable to meet...